With an intro by Under the Plumbob, we dive into the life of Ingeborg of Denmark, our first queen in our Quarantine Queen series! We’re drinking a cocktail called (checks notes) the Limp Dick, which is a nod to Philip of France and his #FragileDickEnergy.

This girl was hard to research, because so little is written about her. But, we can tell you this. She was hardheaded AF and we are here. for. it. Due to her conviction and determination to be queen, she spent like… a long time in conditions not befitting a queen. However, her determination paid off in the end. Refreshingly for this podcast, she actually had a pretty happy ending.
Cheers! Enjoy!
Ingeborg of Denmark, Queen of France- The Freelance History Writer
The Unfortunate Wives of Philip II of France– History, The Interesting Bits
Unlucky Princesses: Ingeborg of Denmark– Creative Historian