Joan of Navarre, Part 1
Joan of Navarre was a cool lady, that you’ve probably never heard of. In her life she was a princess, a duchess, a queen, dowager queen and a (checks notes) witch?
Joan did not really get a conventional start. Her dad was basically the antagonist of Europe, starting shit with whoever he could, but luckily for our girl she had friends (relatives) in high places (she’s related to everyone in Europe).
With an intro by our friends Mike & Mike at Forgotten Cinema Podcast, we dive into the first part of her life while sipping … well, we had meant to do a nice fruity and refreshing cocktail, but neither of us could get the ingredients because coronavirus. So, vodka. Just… lots and lots of vodka

A few sources we used for this episode are:
Red Roses: Blanche of Gaunt to Margaret Beaufort– this was a really interesting read on several fascinating women. Being that there’s just not that much on Joan, compared to her contemporaries, it was refreshing to find a whole chapter dedicated to her in such detail.
Unofficial Royalty – This website was a great resource for her whole family!
History of Royal Women– This one is always a resource for most European royal ladies.
Queens of England Podcast– Also has a 2 parter on our girl Joan. It was particularly informative in regards to how serious the accusation of witchcraft could have been for a queen.