Joan of Navarre, part 2
Welcome back, for part 2 of Joan of Navarre. This episode has everything. Marriage for love, someone being SHOT IN THE FACE in battle, accusations of witchcraft… AND so much more.
With an intro from our personal friends (humble brag) over at Ancient History Fangirl, we pick up where we left off with our girl Joan having to decide between helping her son run the duchy of Brittany or follow her heart across the English Channel.
Sadly, we have no special cocktail for you today as quarantine made finding ingredients a little difficult, so this episode was brought to you by generic red wine and Dos Equis.

But things aren’t all hearts and rainbows for Joan after becoming queen of England. When you’re a 14th century queen, marrying for love isn’t always the prudent move, as we’ll find out.
A few sources we used for this episode are:
Red Roses: Blanche of Gaunt to Margaret Beaufort– this was a really interesting read on several fascinating women. Being that there’s just not that much on Joan, compared to her contemporaries, it was refreshing to find a whole chapter dedicated to her in such detail.
Unofficial Royalty – This website was a great resource for her whole family!
History of Royal Women– This one is always a resource for most European royal ladies.
Queens of England Podcast– Also has a 2 parter on our girl Joan. It was particularly informative in regards to how serious the accusation of witchcraft could have been for a queen.