Noble Blood

My guess is that most of you have already heard of Noble Blood because it is so good. Seriously. This show is so smart and well-written that I often find myself jealous that I didn’t make it myself. Dana Schwartz’s delivery is compelling and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
On top of just being a really great show, if you’re a fan of Queens Podcast, you’re probably gonna be really into many of their topics and episodes. Such as:
And for you Tudorphiles out there, Noble Blood also has an episode dedicated to each wife of Henry VIII! Enjoy!
The Exploress

Speaking of podcasts that I’m jealous of how good they are… This is The Exploress. The Exlploress (aka: our friend Kate) takes a trip back in time with each episode. She explores women’s lives from the centuries of the past and breaks it down in a way that is relatable and fun!
And hey! Maybe you’ll hear a familiar voice or two!
Also, she’s got some really cool merch that you should check out. These gems are just downright pretty (and educational!).
Makeup And Murder
I love make-up. I so aspire to study all the YouTube tutorials out there to up my game. Problem is… y’all, most of them are boring.
Then, I discovered Bailey Sarian. Since finding her YouTube series, Makeup And Murder, I have watched her apply makeup for at least 5 hours. It is such a freaking great idea that I am so jealous I didn’t think of it first.
Bailey takes sensational true crimes stories and gives you all the dirty details while creating a masterpiece… on her face. Y’all are gonna love it!