Hypatia of Alexandria

Hey, Queens! In our latest episode, we are going way back to ancient Egypt (again) to discuss the often overlooked Hypatia of Alexandria. Hypatia wore many hats. She was a scholar, a philosopher, an astronomer, a mathematician and (most shockingly) a woman (gasp!).

Hypatia was raised and taught by the finest minds of the ancient world despite her gender and grew up to become one of (if not THE most) respected minds of the time. Students came from all over the Roman Empire to to take her classes. Many of those students would grow into men of power and Hypatia was there to advise all of them (Including Orestes her Besties who would much later be played by the incredibly handsome Oscar Isaac in the 2009 film, Agora).

courtesy focus features (we liked it)

But sadly, not everyone was a fan of this forward-thinking and highly educated lady. And what happened next is… well. It’s a bummer. And her death was widely considered the event that ushered in the Dark Ages (we know, we know. That’s at outdated term. Don’t @ us).


Some interesting links:


